There's Only Today.

Hello Malaysia!

Semalam menjadi sejarah sekali lagi satu perhimpunan telah diadakan. Perhimpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat #KL112 organised by the Opposition coalition Pakatan Rakyat. 

I was there. The only reason i went there is because i want to have a view from the opponent side. It's not fair if we only hear from the government side only and jump into the conclusion. I try to be responsible citizen by knowing who are really capable to govern our country, Malaysia. 

I am glad that the rally ended peacefully. 

One thing that i don't like Malaysian people when they have event, gathering or something, they forget to be a responsible for their mess/ rubbish. Bukan susah pun, jsut take it your own sampah then you put into the right place.

Perhimpunan tersebut habis selepas asar. Actually, pada hari yang sama saya dah plan nak ke Shah Alam for #Boco7 or Pasar Boco yang di adakan di Gravy Baby. Sadly, saya tak dapat pergi. :(

Sangat-sangat sedih because i was like really excited to meet Wani Ardy and buy her book. 

Tapi, setiap apa yang kita rancang tak semestinya menjadi. it's okay. Mungkin next time saya berpeluang pergi.

If you know me, saya seorang yang banyak idea. Banyak perkara yang saya nak capai, buat, dapat, jelajah dan miliki. The only reason is that because i don't really know that i have time for that. Kita tak tahu sama ada kita sempat atau tak. 

Kenapa saya cakap tentang ini?

Baru-baru ni, di UIA seorang pelajar meninggal di asrama lelaki. Seusia dengan saya. kebelakangan ini juga saya sering baca status-status rakan di Facebook tentang adanya kematian.

Yes. ini kenyataan yang mana kematian itu tak kenal usia. 

So people! wake up.

 I like this sentence i took from the book 'Before i fall' by Lauren Oliver

Maybe u can afford to wait. maybe for u there's a tomorrow. so much time u can bathe in it, roll around in it. so much time u can waste it.

But for some of us there's only today.

and the truth is, u never really know.

p/s : lets make a list of 'things-to-do'
